Welcome to the Orthodox Christian Parish of
Boston, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom.
(Patriarchate of Romania, Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe)
Kirton Old Cemetery
Boston Road
Kirton, Lincolnshire
PE20 1ES
Every Sunday
9.00 Matins
10.00 Holy Liturgy
Synaxis of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel
9.30 Akatist
10.00 The Divine Liturgy
25th Sunday after Pentecost
(the parable of the good Samaritan)
9.00 Matins / Confession
10.00 The Divine Liturghy
Sunday readings
Epistle: Ephesians 4,1-7
Gospel: Luke 10,25-37
Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriil
9.30 Acatistul Sf Arhangheli
10.00 Dumnezeiasca Liturghie
Duminica a 25-a dupa Rusalii
(Pilda Samarineanului milostiv)
9.00 Utrenia / Spovedanie
10.00 Dumneziasca Liturghie
Citiri biblice ale duminicii
Apostolul: Efeseni 4,1-7
Evanghelia: Luca 10,25-37
Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, miluieste-me pe mine pacatosul!
Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ, Υιέ του Θεού, ελέησόν με τον αμαρτωλό!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!
Saturday 9 November
10.00 The Divine Liturgy
11.30 Service for the departed
Saturday 16 November
09.30 The Divine Liturgy
10.30 Service for the departed
11.00 Traditional Romaninan Carols
Christ Church
2 Benstead, Orton Goldhay
Sambata 9 noiembrie
10.00 Dumnezeiasca Liturghie
11.30 Slujba de pomenire pentru cei adormiti
Sambata 16 noiembrie
09.30 Dumnezeiasca Liturghie
10.30 Slujba de pomenire pentru cei adormiti
11.00 Concert de Colinde traditionale romanesti